Friday, January 3, 2014

Motivasi Pagi @ IKim (91.5FM for KL)

Being a "student" to the subject matter of personal developement, I am always looking for a reliable source of such knowledge. One of that sources is radio ikim. There are a lot of good segments that this radio station offers and one of my favourite is "Motivasi Pagi" usually aired daily at 7:30 am. Just that it is my commute time to office. 
Almost every morning I will listen to this segment and it just for 15 minutes. The speaker and the knowledge are good in which the topics discussed are very useful and practical. In fact, not to exaggerate to mention that this program has help to elevate my mood every morning. 

My intentions  to listen to this program among others are ; to get motivation, to learn two to three tips that will be useful for me, to share the knowledge and to stay close to my Creator. 

Every time, I try to get three useful points from the program and when  reach at my parkng lot, I will write them down in my " Knowledge Bank " in my ipad for my future use. 

Here are some of the few wisdoms / ideas that I had collected / generated. They are just pointers that are enough for me do some self reflections;

"Dengar CD Yasin every morning on way to office for the purpose of hafazan"

"Selawat 10x every time after all prayers"

" Tiga amalan syurga ; zikir, sayangi parents and cinta untuk beribadah"

"Tanda-tanda hati dah mati ; buat maksiat tak rasa bersalah, tinggal perintah Allah tak kisah aje..."

"Satu dosa, satu titik hitam melekat di hati...Gilap kembali dengan bertaubat dan berbuat baik."

"Formula hati tenang; 1. Cinta Allah dan Rasul 2. Sayang insan lain kerana Allah. 3. Benci kekufuran 

" Hati adalah seperti kolam dan terdapat 7 saluran yang mengalir kepadanya ; 
Mata, telinga, lidah, perut, kemaluan, tangan, kaki."

Untuk Hidup Gemilang
1. Jaga Solat. 2. Hidupkan Masjid . 3. Cintakan Ilmu"

There are many more on my knowledge bank :). Maybe I will share some other times.

I hope the above stories will inspire you to also listen to this great radio station. For more info, please drop by at its website : Here

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